Category: Plant care

Embracing the Leaves: A Guide for Your Garden

by: Camille Newell. Why Leave the Leaves? Leaving leaves is a “wild”-ly debated topic in horticulture and landscape forums, as well as in everyday conversations with friends and neighbors. Planting native plants and leaving the leaves are two sides of the same coin. If a garden or lawn that facilitates biodiverse habitat sounds interesting, intentional […] Continue reading "Embracing the Leaves: A Guide for Your Garden"

Drought Resistant Native Plants and Tips to Surviving Summer

By Roslyn Imrie. We recently had our first member-only discussion time! A small group of board members and Ozark Wild One Chapter Members joined a Zoom discussion on Drought Resistant Native Plants and Tips to Surviving Summer. It was an informal talk, and some people participated and some just listened. Here are some of the […] Continue reading "Drought Resistant Native Plants and Tips to Surviving Summer"